Tuesday, 21 June 2011


How is it that other's can be 'better' than I am? I wonder if you also ask yourself that question sometime! I just read a tweet from Dalai Lama: "When you have moistened your mind with love, you can begin to meditate on compassion"
My first thought was something like "What a lot of dribble", "moisten your mind with love - what an odd expression". Then I found myself thinking of a smart reply I could counter that with and suddenly I felt what he was talking about and realized I am not quite there yet. Is he there or is it something he just learned from a book? But then he doesn't have to worry about living. He's always been treated like a kinggod on earth, from birth, no struggle, no need to face the insecurity in this reality where people are ready to shoot you or sacrifice you in other ways for their own perceived benefit without a second thought.
Whereas you and me, we struggle to live up to the expectations of those around us, we can't depend on anybody, nobody is there when we fall. Your best 'mates' soon disappear should something happen to you. And life is a deadly disease! We will all die, including Dalai Lama. At least our bodies will and the existence of an immortal soul is subject to belief. But to meditate on compassion leaves the mind in such beautiful tranquility, a great joy of life tempered by the sadness of existence. Thank you Dalai Lama for this gem of wisdom - where ever it may have arisen it speaks of a greater mind.
So I name this painting Compassion,
Oct 2010, Gouache on MDF, 600x900mm

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