Sunday, 19 June 2011

What is my Art?

I have been painting for the last 20 years for god knows what reason. I just feel compelled at times to throw colour together and see what appears. It can take months before I can start another work before being ready to invest a large amount of energy into a completely futile activity. Not many people have seen my work but I have been encouraged to put it out there. Please don't ask "What is it?" - It is NOTHING! I couldn't paint a thing if I wanted to as I have no visual memory. When I close my eyes, there is no image in my head. That is why it is formless art. I put colour down and wait for whatever materialises, which reflects my feelings at that point in life. While there is no plan, it usually takes 2 or 3 sessions to complete a piece of work. The first session results in the problem. A unsatisfactory state, where there is something present that has beauty in my eyes, but lots missing or usually bits I am very unhappy with. The second session is the struggle to take the piece to a new direction and the third is the rounding off and adding some detail.

What I value in my work is the formlessness that is always fresh. I can look at the pieces and never see the same. Nothing is perfect, nothing is the same. There is continuous variation everywhere and if I let my eyes and mind wander, sections of the work come to live through my mind trying to make sense. Whole scenes arise when meditating in this way.

My hope is that you might also see something of Beauty in the NOTHING I've created as that is where Beauty lies. All is nothing in the end and the conceptual boxes we apply through our conditioned minds strain a world of magnificent infinity into utilitarian abstractions devoid of beauty. For me, the representation of nothing, defeating the mind in conceptualising to simplicity, is a means to appreciate infinity.

So I'll start backwards with my latest creation
"Lunar Eclipse" June 2011.  Gouache and Acrylics on MDF. Size 600x900mm
You may see an eye, but maybe allow your mind to wander bit thinking of our grasping perception consuming the world around us with a reflection of everything at the source that goes unnoticed and a new start, a fresh beginning to re-write the future. Happy for you to download the jpg and use it however you wish, but please acknowledge the source. I have also decided that I will sell some of my work IF there is someone who appreciates it as I can't hang them all on my walls. If you don't like it, or don't get it, please do not leave a negative comment.
More soon...

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